Hexagon Jog Box
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is used to precisely measure the geometry of a component using a probe mounted on the end of a moving arm. The purpose of this machine is to validate the quality and precision of a manufactured part. This machine is operated by a hand-held controller known as a jog box. Previously, the design of the jog box payed more attention to function rather than ergonomics. The aim of this project is to redesign a jog box with both factors in mind.

The User

CMM machines are used by manufacturers and engineers to accurately access the quality of components being made. An engineer will use the machine to see if the designed part accurately matches the tolerances printed on the detailed component drawings. This helps to ensure that a component can be manufactured accurately. The manufacturers use the machine to test whether the parts they are producing are matching the tolerances given to them from engineering. This is critical when manufacturing takes place in a distant location from where the product was originally designed. In addition, the operators of this machine could have different hand sizes so a jog box controller will have to be comfortable for as many users as possible. Because components may be manufactured around the world, a jog box will also need to be intuitive to accommodate any language barriers.
Product Landscape

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Jog Box #1 Interaction

Jog Box #2 Interaction

First Round Sketches

First Round Prototypes

Pain Point Evaluation #1

Down Selection #1

Round Two Sketching

Second Round Prototypes

User Feedback

Pain Point Evaluation #2

Down Selection #2

Round Three Sketching
Down Selection #2

Refined Sketches

Round Three Prototypes

Down Selection #3

Button Layout Sketches

Laser Cut Layout Concepts

Layout Down Selection

Phase 1 Renders

Detailed Foam Models

Final Down Selection

Final 3D Printed Model

Final Renders

Final Deliverables